Standard for Public Code

The Standard for Public Code provides guidance to public organizations building open source software on how to enable successful future reuse by other public organizations.


Type of Digital Public Good

  • Open content
  • Open data
  • Open software
  • ✅  Open standard
  • Open AI model

1. Is it relevant to one of the Sustainable Development Goals?

2. Does it use an appropriate open license?

Yes, this project is licensed under the following license(s):

3. Is ownership clearly defined?

Is the ownership of the project and everything that the project produces clearly defined and documented?


If yes - please link to the relevant copyright, trademarks, or ownership documentation for the project.

4. Does the license of libraries/dependencies undermine the openess of the project?

Does this open project have mandatory dependencies (i.e. libraries, hardware) that create more restrictions than the original license?


If yes - are the open source components able to demonstrate independence from the closed component(s) and/or are there functional, open alternatives?

Not Applicable

If yes - please describe how the open source components are independent and/or list the open alternatives for the closed component:

Not Applicable

5. Is there documentation?

Does some documentation exist of the source code, use cases, and/or functional requirements. For software projects, this should be present as technical documentation that would allow a technical person unfamiliar with the project to launch and run the software. For datasets and data projects, this should be present as documentation that describes all the fields in the set, and provides context on how the data was collected and how it should be interpreted. For content collections, this should indicate any relevant compatible apps, software, hardware required to access the content and any instructions about how to use it.


If yes - please link to the relevant documentation:

6. Is non PII data and/or content accessible?

Does this project collect or use non-personally identifiable information (non-PII) data and/or content?


If yes - is there a mechanism for extracting or importing non-personally identifiable information (non-PII) from the system in a non-proprietary format?

Not Applicable

If yes - describe the mechanism for extracting or importing non-personally identifiable information from the system in a non-proprietary format:

Not Applicable

7. Does the project adhere to privacy and other applicable international and domestic laws?

Has this project taken steps to ensure adherence with relevant privacy, domestic, and international laws? For example, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union or the Supplementary Act A/SA.1/01/10 on Personal Data Protection for the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) (yes/no)


If yes, please list some of relevant laws that the project complies with:

If yes, please describe the steps this project has taken to ensure adherence (include links to terms of service, privacy policy, or other relevant documentation):

  • The Standard for Public Code is best practice guidance for developing open source software projects. Though public bodies implementing the Standard are subject to laws, the Standard itself is not. The Standard does not encourage illegal behavior.

8. Does the project adhere to standards and best practices?

Does this project support standards? (i.e. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 or other standards such as those listed on W3C)


Which standards does this project support (please list)

Can you point to evidence of your support? (i.e. please link to your validator, open test suite, etc.)

Was this project built and developed according to or in adherence with any design, technical and/or sector best practices or principles? i.e. the Principles for Digital Development?


Which principles and best practices does this project support (please list)

Not Applicable

9. Does the project do no harm by design?

Has this project taken steps to anticipate, prevent and do no harm by design?

On the whole, does this project take steps to ensure that it anticipates, prevents and does no harm by design?


Is there any additional information you would like to share about the mechanisms, processes or policies that this project uses to avoid doing harm by design?

The target audience is public organizations that have ethics and value based policies already. We remind them to document that publicly in our criterion "Document your objectives":

9.a. Data Privacy & Security

Does this project collect or store personally identifiable information (PII) data and/or content?


If yes - please list the types of data and/or content collected and/or stored by the project:

Not Applicable

If yes - does this project share this data and/or content with third parties?


Please describe the circumstances with which this project shares data and/or content with third parties. Please add links as relevant.

Not Applicable

If yes - does the project ensure the privacy, security and integrity of this data and/or content collection and has it taken steps to prevent adverse impacts resulting from its collection, storage and distribution.


If yes - please describe the steps, and include a link to the privacy policy and/or terms of service:

The project encourages users to avoid sharing sensitive data on their own platforms.

9.b. Inappropriate & Illegal Content

Does this project collect, store or distribute content?


If yes - what kinds of content does this project, collect, store or distribute? (i.e. childrens books)

Not Applicable

If yes - does this project have policies and processes for detecting and moderating innappropriate/illegal content?


If yes - please describe the policies and processes for detecting, reporting and removing innapropriate/illegal content (Please include the average response time for assessment and/or action. Link to any policies or descriptions of how inappropriate content is handled):

All contributors to the Standard for Public Code must follow the [Code of Conduct]( This sets out our values and explains how we handle Code of Conduct violations.

[Contributing]( explains our review process. Though no times are listed, in practice contributions are usually checked within 2 hours during business hours, Monday-Friday. We have set up automatic alerts to notify us when a new contribution is made.

9.c. Protection from harassment

Does this project facilitate interactions with or between users or contributors?


If yes - does the project take steps to address the safety and security of underage users?


If yes - please describe the steps this project takes to address risk or prevent access by underage users:

  • The project does not identify, collect or store the age of the audience, nor enforce age limits. The target audience to use the Standard are civil servants (policy makers, managers), and developers and designers. Anyone is allowed to contribute to the Standard via the GitHub repository. Contributions must abide by our code of conduct.

If yes - does the project help users and contributors protect themselves against grief, abuse, and harassment?


If yes - please describe the steps taken to help users protect themselves.

  • Our code of conduct is enforced as follows:
  • Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by contacting the project team at All complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident. Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately.
  • Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other members of the project’s leadership.

Development & deployment countries

List of countries this project was developed in.

  • Netherlands

List of countries this project is actively deployed in.

  • Netherlands
  • France
  • Germany
  • Denmark