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German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

Our Activities


8 Total Activities

atingi: Free, accessible and inclusive educational resources online


As part of our efforts to make atingi available as an inclusive and versatile platform for learners and partners alike, we use open-source tools to encourage collaboration, innovation, and easy integration. Furthermore, we are currently in the process of setting up a selection of courses as a content repository designed for effortless re-use and adaptation. Users across the globe can access, re-use and adapt content to customize it to their regional and local needs. The repository is powered by MoodleNet, a flexible DPG and a OET platform for curating and sharing collections of educational resources. This integration ensures that the atingi OER Repository is not only about content but also about fostering a community of shared knowledge. The aim for the OER Repository is to receive DPG certification, as we are committed to quality, openness, accessibility, global reach, and relevance to advancing the SDGs.

Activity Type:


Connected members:

In addition to strong collaboration across different BMZ activities (such as Fair Forward and Smart Development Fund, we are also collaborating with ITU as a member of the EQUALS Global Partnership and Skills Coalition with the aim to provide equal education opportunities.

Connected DPGs:




GovStack is promoting an interoperable, human-centered digital architecture framework to accelerate digital government services to last. GovStack’s Open Source Toolbox contains technical specifications for twelve mostly used Building Blocks, an enterprise architecture framework, a technical sandbox, a marketplace for digital solutions, as well as various Capacity Development tools. The support provided to countries encompasses advisory services on architecture, service design, and prototyping. Combined with peer exchange formats, the initiative serves as a platform for innovators in the field of Digital Government. In line with these activities, GovStack supports the global availability of digital solutions based on DPGs. The use of DPGs in the implementation of the GovStack approach in several Countries contributes to the proof of concept of digital government solutions based on DPGs.

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Connected members:

Founding partners: ITU, Dial, Estonia Germany (BMZ), Ongoing collaborations with: BMGF, UNDP, USAID, UNICEF, eGov Foundation.


"INATrace" - a new DPG to enable traceability in agricultural value chains


INATrace is positioned as a potential digital public good, emphasizing its open-source nature and commitment to transparency in supply chains. It aims to enhance the economic standing of smallholder farmers through data traceability, promoting fair payment practices. By digitally storing data and enabling access through QR codes, it lays the groundwork for transparency and compliance with regulations such as the EU Deforestation Regulation. Its adaptability is demonstrated through pilot projects beyond coffee chains. INATrace empowers cooperatives by digitizing processes and retaining data ownership. Its open-source framework encourages broader adoption and community engagement, setting the stage for its potential registration as a digital public good. With its expansion into various commodities and ongoing community involvement, INATrace is positioned to significantly impact global supply chain transparency and fairness

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Connected members:

BMZ is financing the development and piloting of INATrace until 10/2024.

Strengthening of SORMAS as a Digital Public Good


By supporting the SORMAS Foundation, maintenance and development of SORMAS as an open-source tool and DPG is enabled through the following activities: - Strengthen the SORMAS Community of Practice (CoP) and ecosystem  - Stimulate discussion and exchange in the CoP around the implementation and further development of SORMAS - Strengthen local capacity of ministries of health and/or specialized public health agencies in LMICs and regional organizations to build, implement and manage SORMAS as surveillance and outbreak management tool - Support the technical maintenance of the project’s source code

Activity Type:


Connected members:

Germany (BMZ) Potential collaboration with: BMGF, Digital Square at PATH, Rockefeller Foundation, Foundation for Public Code, data.org, Code4Dev, UNDP, USAID

FAIR Forward – Democratize AI by building fundamental resources as DPGs


FAIR Forward supports the responsible and open creation and usage of artificial intelligence (AI) training data and applications as well as responsible enabling environments, as building blocks for fostering local innovation with AI that serves the public benefit in Africa and Asia. Several of these outcomes have the potential to be registered as a DPG.

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Connected members:


Development of a GIS for irrigation canal rehabilitation needs in Iraq


Development of a Geoinformation System (GIS) to collect, store and visualize irrigation canal rehabilitation needs in Anbar. This activity is implemented by the Restoration of Peace, Livelihoods, and Economic Cycles in Anbar, Iraq (RePLECA). GIS is the first systematic collection of the status quo of irrigation canal rehabilitation needs in Al-Anbar after the defeat of the so-called Islamic State (IS) enables the political partner systems to monitor and steer rehabilitation efforts by a wide variety of stakeholders. The irrigation system itself is a public good and the Government of Anbar (Iraq) is in charge of its maintenance.

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Connected members:

Directorate of Water Ressources in Anbar, MASAE Analytics (Consultancy firm in France), GIZ

Connected DPGs:


DIASCA: Promoting the upcoming sectoral DPI for agricultural supply chains


The global market for digital applications in agriculture and forestry is heterogeneous and inefficient. Fragmented, siloed solutions and the lack of shared infrastructure hamper data re-use and exchange. Particularly for smallholder farmers and their organisations this means additional burden of data production, limited data sovereignty and data valorisation options, and vendor lock-in. Developing building blocks for a sectoral Digital Public Infrastructure for agricultural supply chains enables compliance with the EU Regulation on Deforestation-Free Products (EUDR) and the associated data exchange on a large scale. This makes the exchange of data more efficient, which benefits all stakeholders, especially smallholder farmers and their organisations. The activity was initiated by DIASCA and is implemented with partners, such as SAFE, the Forest Data Partnership and the Linux Foundation.

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Connected members:

BMZ, with a co-financing from the EU, is financing the development and piloting of the DPI.

Connected DPGs:



Supporting the Coordination Desk of the openIMIS Initiative


openIMIS is an interoperable, versatile open source software which supports the administration of health financing and social protection schemes. It is designed to manage the complex, high-volume data flows which are required to operate such schemes by seamlessly integrating beneficiary, provider and payer data. Over 13 million people in more than 12 countries benefit from social protection programmes (health insurance, employment injury insurance, cash transfer and voucher schemes) managed using openIMIS. BMZ and the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) are jointly funding the coordination desk of the openIMIS initiative, that faciliates the community of practice around the openIMIS product. Specifically, the resources allow for activities around community management and capacity development, facilicating implementations of openIMIS, as well as in software maintenance and new functionality development.

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Connected members:

BMZ, SDC, and the European Union are financing the activities until 08/2026. Implementations are also funded by World Bank, International Labour Organization, Enabel, and Expertise France.

DPGA members are championing activities that contribute to the discovery, development, use, and investment in digital public goods to accelerate the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals. Learn how they are making this vision a reality.